Welcome to theSkyKid.com

Welcome to the new, improved version of skykid.wordpress.com.

Only it is now theSKYKID.com. I apologize for not letting you know earlier about the change. It was quite a spontaneous move.  All links from the previous blog version are working – redirecting to the individual posts in theSKYKID.com. I am still playing around with the design and features – and it would take me a while – as of the moment, I am considering two methods – a simple cleaner one or a bit more cluttered but with more functionality. I would be grateful if you express your opinion on this issue.

Also, I would like to ask the people who have linked to my blog via skykid.wordpress.com to change the link with the new blog URL https://theskykid.com/ as this will be more valuable and valid in the long term.

Probably in the next few weeks, the blog’s design will change, and addons will appear and disappear until I can fix some stable version that we can all enjoy.

Pegatinas personalizadas, pegatinas troqueladas, pegatinas para parachoques - Sticker Mule



PS: As about skykid.org – I still own the domain, but I am unsure if this will be the case in 5-6 months. If I keep it, I will find good use of it. ( :


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