Introducing Oleg Aleksandrov


Oleg is constantly searching across the globe for young talent in music and the performing arts. Lately, thanks to the constant development of the social media, by the time a youthful star is “discovered” the word about him has already spread.  Even so, we pride ourselves here at TheSkyKid for spotlighting, not only known and famous stars and actors, but  lesser known ones who come to our attention by various channels – being recommended by our readers, a producer,  friend or sometimes even a random “stumble upon” of a news article or YouTube clip.

In this article, we have the pleasure of introducing Oleg Aleksandrov. He is seven years old, lives in the Ukraine and has a tremendous talent behind the microphone.  Oleg astonishes the audience in each venue he performs, singing covers of such big name performers as Elvis Presley, Louis Armstrong and The Beatles. While English is Oleg’s second language, one could hardly know that by watching and listening to this young entertainer.

Below, you can see Oleg performing What a Wonderful World and Love Me Tender during the second day of the first International Children’s Jazz Festival (OKeshkin Jazz) in  Kiev, Ukraine. Oleg Aleksandrov amazed the festival audience with the unexpectedly technically gifted compositions that belied his age — mesmerizing them with his presentation of adult music that possessed such childish sincerity and spirit!


There’s no doubt the world will be hearing much more in the future from this talented young singer.

For more information about Oleg and the festival please refer to the Jazz in Kiev official web site .