Jordan Jansen – He’s got the look!

Jordan JansenJordan Jansen – One of the things about mentoring and supporting young talent is that you get to see them grow and emerge into lives that hold untold dreams. After a while you are able to spot the winners and the ones that will likely breech the barrier of voice change and go on to continue on stage or in film. They have a certain charisma. A certain attitude about how they approach life. One of the most noticeable qualities about those kids is their ability to embrace change. Unlike the rest of the world that seeks complacency, these special youngsters thrive on the excitement of the next change, the next thrill, the next hurtle to jump. They actually thrive on the possibility of the unexpected and the achievement of milestones.

And that description describes Jordan Jansen perfectly. Just when you think you have seen his best, he shows you a new level of talent, a new level of quality, a new persona to present to the world. Like some morphed out human version of an onion, Jordan peels off layer upon layer. Each producing a greater, more refined version of human stardom.

From the very beginning to the current layer of professionalism, Jordan has treated his performances with the same determined professionalism. Another quality found only in the successful. And Jordan began keeping his books in crayon and his first savings account was in a Sponge Bob Square Pants lunch box. Today, he stands proudly before a bank teller, depositing his seed money for the future. All of the equipment he has in his home studio was purchased from his own resources. He has earned his money by working hard to get better, to be better. And then performing at markets, clubs and charity events. Some paid, some just a sharpening stone for his cutting edge talent.

Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen/Jeff Buckley - Jordan Jansen

Jordan accepts input and suggestions for the songs he chooses but generally listens to what is popular and then makes it his own. He sees what works and then incorporates that quality in his own stage persona. He also is able to separate the chaff from the wheat. Negative comments roll off his back like water off a duck. He listens to the quality or constructive criticism and is able to discern, which is which.

But he’s not all business. He budget’s time for his school work as well as time just to be a kid. He enjoys all the things a twelve-year-old kid enjoys. The beach, soccer, video games and of course music.

My predictions for the newly twelve-year-old Jordan Jansen have not changed since day one. He will exceed all expectations and traverse the voice break when it comes in a few years and go on to redefine the term superstar. I will be very surprised if he is not signed to a label or other long term project within the next six months or so.

All I have to say is this; I’m buying front row seats when he tours my section of the U.S.

Visit the official site of Jordan Jansen

Jordan Jansen`s profile at BCSD

Back in time: Jordan Jansen at 10, Already an Aussie Legend