YouTube – The Largest Casting Call in History

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2008 brings a new way of doing business in Hollywood. Before a casting call is made they look to the tube. You Tube that is. The numbers of people showing their skills is growing and the leaders of the pack are younger than my truck.

Kids are finding their niche in the working world before they ever leave school. Everything from Contortionists to Comedians. Song writers to Song players. And the skills are amazing. We seem to be producing a brighter crop of kids these days. Or maybe it’s because they are more driven by the stimulus of the net, stardom and fame.

In the US, most schools cut art and music from the curriculums as non-essential. No one is judged by them so why focus on them. Those in the know can give them a million reasons but math and decision making top the list.

Our youth are notorious for going the opposite direction of authority. So maybe that’s what draws them to the tube. Perhaps it is the computer and years of games. Perhaps it is just the possibility of fame. Or maybe it is all of the above.

But what ever the reason, it has created the largest casting call in history. It doesn’t matter what you are looking for. Motorcycle stunt drivers, dancers, bird trainers, snake handlers, contortionists or journalists of tomorrow. It’s all there, and the industry has noticed.

And lots of mimic sites have poped up. But none have a foothold like YouTube. Even Myspace has gotten into the act. They just advertised to show your talents on video and maybe win a spot on a “You’ve Got Talent Show.”

I think TV broadcasters are back peddling on the issue of down posted pulling videos, as the lack of exposure is hurting their ratings. YouTube is taking the airtime. They better wise up and see the value of branding and hope for the best. Broadcast TV is on the way out. Fast.

The Euro Jr. has become the reality shows of today. And the world has flocked to them like a hobo on a ham sandwich. It’s like sifting through YouTube and pulling out all the Paul Potts and Troye Sivan Mellets. They do the searching and the sifting for you and then sensationalize it on stage, most every person’s dream.

Todays, carphone salesmen is tomorrows Great tenor. Sandbox today, stage tomorrow. There is no limit to what people will or won’t do. Sometimes dangerous, most times stupid. But almost always creative.

This will be interesting to remember. One day I think it will become a “Chicken or the egg” conundrum. Did YouTube create You’ve got talent or did You’ve Got talent kick off the YouTube craze. Which ever it is, one thing is clear. Casting agents are not looking at the classifieds to find their prospects, they’re watching the tube.



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