Introducing Jaron Natoli

Jaron NatoliWhen I discovered the music of Jaron Natoli, I was once again surprised by the amount of young talent coming out of Australia (Jack Vidgen, Griffin Tintor, Straalen McCallum…and others ).  Jaron is an eleven-year-old musician from Melbourne with a soulful voice and real talent behind the guitar, keyboards, drums and just about any instrument he gets a hold of.

His first album, titled  It’s You and Me, was recently released (in April, 2011) and it’s nothing short of amazing. The eccentric photograph he picked for the cover artwork of his CD is intriguing yet a bit disturbing for an album of a young musician. But art is art…and it appeals differently to different people. But don’t let the cover set any expectations for the music). The album includes two original songs and five covers of performers such as Coldplay, MGMT, Leonard Cohen and U2 (I, for one, appreciate the fact that Lady Gaga is not in this list). Quite an interesting choice of songs to cover and influences for which we most likely have to thank his dad, Chris Natoli, who is a professional guitarist.


Afraid and It’s You and Me are the two original songs included in the album – written and composed by Jaron.  Both exceed the expectations most people would have of an eleven-year-old musician. My personal favorite from the album is the cover of Coldplay’s, Trouble, where his extraordinary vocal abilities really shine.  Leonard Cohen‘s song, Hallelujah, is among the most frequently covered ballads by young singers – and Jaron’s rendition is excellent.


Visit Jaron Natoli’s official website at :