La Teta Y La Luna

The Tit and the Moon coverBeautiful film – beautiful music , brilliant acting. La Teta Y la Luna tells the story of the nine year old Tete who feels not loved enough when his baby brother is born and strives to attract the attention of his mother. Seeing how his mother breastfeed his brother he wished he was able to be at his place and because his mother is taking care of the baby he asks the moon to send him a girl just for him ( breasts just for him to be more precise ). The fate sends him Estrella – a French cabaret performer who travel across the country with her husband. Tete falls in love with her -he brings her a present and she gives him what he wanted – everything seems perfect. But he is not the only one in love – a local teenager falls in love with Estrella as well . This teenagers is called Miquel and he tries to attract the attention of Estrella by singing a beautiful flamenco.

The narrative of the movie made the most impression – everything is seen and narrated by the young Biel Duran who plays the role of Tete. He does that so well, acting so naturally – that you can`t stop remembering what your life was at his age . La Teta Y La Luna is a movie full of symbolism. At the same time it remains fun, cute and very entertaining . Its a shame that I had this movie in my collection for such a long time and had not seen it until this evening ( actually morning ). Once again a prime example of the movie which can be made only in Europe as I have not seen anything coming from Hollywood that comes close to such brilliant cinematography . The movie has its share of sexy moments – some of which too kinky for one`s taste – but they are making it just more different and interesting then the rest.

A coming of age story with a difference