The Pilot’s Tale


Even if I watch and review a lot of films – sometimes I stumble upon a title or an actor which are well known to the general audience – yet unknown to me. That is the case with the seemingly famous actor Andrew Mason – who I saw for a very first time only a few minutes ago while watching a short film called ” The Pilot’s Tale”, in which he is the main protagonist. Andrew starred in films back in the 80s – and just like Barret Oliver – is not well known to me as back then I must have been too young to watch anything but Sesame Street …

Andrew Mason

The film itself is not perfect (my opinion – despite its festival awards). My first thought is that the dialog scenes are a bit static – reminding me of a theatrical performance. On the positive side – the wonderful soundtrack by Jim Cooper compensates for that – and alongside it the lyrics of the songs ( which reveal most of the the prognost background and his feelings ) – makes the movie a beautiful visual poem.

Andrew starts as a young boy who mourns the death of his Dad – who was a pilot shot down in a war conflict. He meets different people – including the pilot who shot down his Dad’s plane  – and they help him come to terms with that huge loss in his life. I remained under the impression  that the film is made with one goal – to help all kids who suffer the loss of parent. ..

Quotes from The Pilot’s tale :

” If you believe in something , something important , something worth hanging on to – you have to fight for it  …”

” You can`t live your life with hate in your heart ”

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