Toto the hero (1991)

Toto the heroUnique cinematography and great acting – combined witch a well developed plot – those are the reasons for which Toto the Hero gets high ratings in just about every movie list it is featured. The story is puzzle like and solving it becomes a trilling challenge for the viewer . The director (Van Dormael) use mulch-flashback techniques combined with surprising scenes to twist the plot and make the movie really vibrant and inventive.

The main character Thomas ( nicknamed Toto) is convinced that as baby, he was accidentally switched with another boy Alfred – who latter becomes his neighbor. From this very moment Toto feels deprived from his own life and devotes his life to fix this injustice.The story is presented from his viewpoint through an unforgettable exploration of his life – from birth to grave. Toto the hero could be labeled the ultimate coming of age movie – even through the viewer is left to decide if Thomas successfully completed the transaction from or his mind reminded captured in some state.

I could relate to the story as it showed how a single event and/or idea can shape the whole life of a person . While there are many years ahead of me until I reach an old age or anything even close to it there have been things and events who had their impact on my life – and some probably still does – not that this is necessarily a good or bad thing.

I highly recommend Toto the hero – it is by far the most original film I have ever seen.
IMDB (link

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